5 Signs It's Time to Refinish Your Hardwood Floors

Hardwood flooring can be a great investment for your home and can last you a lifetime, but to do so, they are going to require care and maintenance every so often. Every so often, your home's hardwood floors are going to need to be sanded again and refinished, but many homeowners aren't sure how often this needs to be done. Luckily, there are signs you can be on the lookout for to know when your hardwood floors are in need of some care. While some of these signs can be more obvious, there are a couple that are a bit more subtle. To assist you in identifying when your hardwood floors are in need of this important service, to have put together a short list of the top five signs you can lookout for that will let you know when it's time to restore or refinish your home's hardwood floors.
Lots Of Scratches
Having a large number of scratches on your hardwood floors is one of the more obvious signs that your floors are in need of a good refinishing, especially if those scratches have worn through the stain on your wood. While a few scratches are normal, and aren't something you should worry about over much, having a floor that is covered in unsightly scratches, especially if they are in an area that you can't cover up readily with a rug, it might be time to look at refinishing them. Most scratches are going to be topical and will come out with a simple sanding, but larger gouges or splits might require you to replace entire boards.
Boards Turning Gray
If you notice any boards on your hardwood flooring turning gray, it is definitely time to have them refinished before more damage can come to your hardwood floors. When your wooden floors are turning gray, it is a clear sign that the polyurethane is wearing off. When this happens, it means your hardwood floors are starting to absorbing water, whether it is from rain, snow, spilled drinks, or even just from your pet's paws. If you don't have your wooden floors repaired and refinished quickly, it will keep absorbing moisture until it turns black, at which point the only option you will have left is total replacement.
Some Boards Have Already Turned Black
If you already have some boards on your floor that have turned black, it is too late for them. Your choices when it comes to those boards are now whether you want to go with a darker stain on the rest of your floor to make them blend, or to completely replace those particular boards. The latter option will cost a little more, but will help keep your floor healthier overall.
Water Damage
If your wood flooring has sustained water damage, you are usually going to see separation or cupping of some of the boards, as well as dark areas. If your boards are just cupping a bit, this can normally be sorted out with some sanding, but if you have major separation or entire boards that have turned black, then you are more than likely going to have to replace entire boards or sections.
Fading Color
If you start to notice that your hardwood floors have begun fading from too much UV ray exposure, it might be time to look at having them refinished. Refinishing them and applying a new stain will actually help to renew their protection against the sunlight and keep your colors vibrant at the same time. When you are ready to have our Staten Island Hardwood Flooring company to replace or repair your hardwood flooring the please give us a call at 718-873-5815.
Get Your Hardwood Flooring Done Right With Our Hardwood Flooring Professionals In Staten Island!